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Strategic Business Partnering

CBS Executive Fonden, i Frederiksberg
6 dage
28.000 DKK ekskl. moms
Uddannelsens hjemmeside
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6 dage
28.000 DKK ekskl. moms
Uddannelsens hjemmeside
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Fremragende Kundekontakt

Denne udbyder er blevet anerkendt af os for at have fremragende kundekontakt.

Vores anerkendelse er givet til de udbydere, der er gode og hurtige til at række ud, efter de har modtaget en forespørgsel.

Hvorfor vælge CBS Executive Fonden?

Højt akademisk niveau

Praksisorienteret, anvendelig viden

Unikke netværksmuligheder på tværs af brancher og sektorer


Strategic Business Partnering

Strategic Business Partnering

This program will strengthen the capabilities of senior business partners and future and present leaders of corporate functions and enable them to play actively and effectively in a Strategic Business Partner role driving value creation through strategic insight, impactful engagement with the line of business and cross-functional collaboration.

Value driven corporate functions

The role of corporate functions is changing! HR, Finance, IT, and other corporate specialists can no longer rely solely on distinguished functional expertise. The volatility of many markets, strategic agility of many companies as well as expectations from business leaders creates demand for corporate functions to take an engaging, proactive and value creating role in the developing and executing the strategic position of the organization.

The purpose of the Strategic Business Partnering program is to strengthen your strategic capabilities as a senior business partner or corporate functions leader and enable you to play an active role in the strategic direction of your organization. The program will do this through an engaging action learning approach that will provide you with tools and perspectives to understand the strategic position of your business, orchestrate value creating interventions and draw on cross-functional synergies to maximize the value add of corporate functions as a whole – beyond functional expertise and organizational affiliation.

Course content

The program presents theories of organization and Business Partnering as frames for understanding how the role of and expectations to corporate functions change as a consequence of contextual and strategic alterations. The program features a combination of theoretical models, intervention practices, and case-discussions on  the logics of, potential contributions from and ways of working in each of the functional areas of a corporate function with the intent of improving the collaboration across the corporate functions to increase their impact.

Key benefits

After completion of the course, you have obtained:

  • Capabilities to drive value creation through strategic insights, impactful engagement with the line of business and cross-functional collaboration

  • Improved understanding of your own and other corporate functions via cross-functional sparring with senior business partners and corporate function leaders

  • Frameworks for advanced strategic business understanding

  • Frameworks for agile strategy development and execution as the foundation for developing targeted, functional, and aligned corporate function strategies

  • Simple and practical concepts designed for easy implementation in your organization to facilitate change in both your own corporate function and cross-functionally

  • Techniques for advanced executive communication and presentations

  • A network of senior corporate functions leaders with which you have exchanged perspectives and tools to maximize your impact

The program is in English to accommodate international participants.


The program mainly targets senior business partners and directors in HR, Finance, IT and other corporate functions of large corporations with an interest in taking business partnering to the next level. Leaders of business partnering teams and/or support functions in mid-sized companies can also benefit from the course. Attendance from different functional areas of expertise is an important aspect of this program to facilitate cross-functional learnings.


The price for this course is 28.000 DKK excl. VAT.

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CBS Executive Fonden
Porcelænshaven 22
2000 Frederiksberg

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