The Aros Mini MBA

AROS Kurser, Online
25 Lektioner
2.950 EUR ekskl. moms
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25 Lektioner
2.950 EUR ekskl. moms
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1 tilgængelig startdato

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  • Engelsk


The Aros Mini MBA

Attend Aros International Online ​Mini MBA already today!

An ONLINE Leadership Education that enables you to ​achieve great things in your career! 

Created in association with awarded Professor in Leadership Steen Hildebrandt

"I think we need to adapt to major changes in the education system in relation to management. Comprehensive education programmes will be replaced by short, practically oriented  education with close contact with the outside world and the students' own work. We see this in the worldwide growing interest in the concept of Mini MBA."

To Be Completely Honest: ​The World Is Your Oyster!

n this global era, you are no longer restricted to working in your home country. The world is open to you. And the possibilities of your future career are practically endless. Scary right? But also incredibly intriguing.

When you complete The International Mini MBA you can prove to international (and national) companies that you have the skills, the passion and the know how to perform well in leading people, teams and organizations.

The 5 Best Reasons to Sign Up

​1. It will definitely boost your career options worldwide og locally

2. It will help you create better results as a business leader

3.It will improve your knowledge on the MBA leadership subjects

4. It will guide you in becoming a much better business leader

5. It will offer you lots of reflections on your own leadership.

Apply Now, And start learning tommorow!


What do you get?

  • A completely flexible online education where you decide the pace (from 3 weeks to 6 months)
  • 25 video lectures each approx. 50 minutes (by a university professor and six international business leaders)
  • 1,100 pages of reading
  • Personal feedback on three written assignments
  • 6 progression quizzes
  • An official Mini MBA Certificate from Aros Business Academy

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