Improve Your Presentation Skills

Aros Business Academy, i København (+1 lokationer)
2 dage
9.400 DKK ekskl. moms
Næste startdato
6 november, 2024 (+4 startdatoer)
Uddannelsens hjemmeside
Kurset afholdes på
2 dage
9.400 DKK ekskl. moms
Næste startdato
6 november, 2024 (+4 startdatoer)
Uddannelsens hjemmeside
Kurset afholdes på
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Fremragende kundekontakt

Denne udbyder er blevet anerkendt af os for at have fremragende kundekontakt.

Vores anerkendelse er givet til de udbydere, der er gode og hurtige til at række ud, efter de har modtaget en forespørgsel.

Hvorfor vælge Aros Business Academy?

Vi brænder for at give dig en reel opgradering af dit kompetenceniveau

Der er fokus på praktiske øvelser kombineret med solid faglig viden

Kurserne tilpasses dine forudsætninger og behov


Vælg mellem 4 startdatoer

6 november, 2024

  • Holdundervisning
  • Århus
  • Dansk

12 november, 2024

  • Holdundervisning
  • København
  • Dansk

18 marts, 2025

  • Holdundervisning
  • Århus
  • Dansk

25 marts, 2025

  • Holdundervisning
  • København
  • Dansk


Improve Your Presentation Skills

Course: Improve Your Presentation Skills

If you have ever before spoken in front of an audience, you know that peoples’ minds tend to wander off after a while. On this course, we will work with your abilities as a presenter, in order to make you a charismatic speaker, able to keep the audience open and interested. We work on both the technical structure of your presentations, and with your voice, your diction, your body language etc. With these tools, you can facilitate your presentations in a well-balanced but powerful manner.

This course enables you to

  • Keep your audience interested and attentive
  • Make your audience listen to you, so they remember what you say
  • Speak in a tone accordingly to what you actually want to communicate
  • Radiate sympathetic and confident traits as empathy, openness, authority etc.
  • Communicate with confidence
  • Become an energetic and charismatic speaker
  • Use your voice as a tool to project personal surplus
  • “Serve your knowledge on a silver platter”!

Fight the nerves with effective but simple presentation techniques!

Nervousness and tension are two of the great obstacles to a successful presentation. When the nerves take over, the flow of the presentation is disturbed. When this happens, the audience will start to focus on why you might be nervous, and you lose your connection. The good news is that tension and nerves are easily minimized through some simple presentation techniques. If you feel confident in what you are doing, and more importantly in how you are doing it, you will also appear confident and on top of the situation to your crowd!


Your benefits:

  • You will approach your presentations with far more assuredness than before. You will be in control of both your voicing and your bodylanguage, and thus eliminitaing the anxiety of making the wrong impression.
  • You will be aware of the rethorical principles that make you a forceful and compelling presenter, and ensure that your suggestions and ideas will be heard and considered.
  • You will be trained in adjusting your presentation to the specific audience, and thus make sure that you will be met with both attention and respect.

Your company's benefits:

  • Your company will discover your full potential as you will be able to present your ideas and proposals in a clear and engaging manner.
  • Exciting and motivating presentations will highten the spirit within your workplace. You will engage your coworkers with your enthusiastic and compelling presentations, as well as inspire them to improve their own.
  • No more wasting time with dull, ineffective presentations, that no one is even listening to. With your new, improved presentation skills everyone's time is much better disposed.


Everybody who ever has to stand in front of somebody to present something, even if it is just your name and work title at a meeting, will find the tools of this course useful. The number of participants at each course will not surpass eight, which give the instructor plenty of time and space to see to the needs and wishes of each participant.

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Aros Business Academy
Fredericiagade 15
1310 København K

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