Basic IFRS e-learning

PwC Academy, Online
22 Lektioner
11.990 DKK ekskl. moms
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Uddannelsens hjemmeside
22 Lektioner
11.990 DKK ekskl. moms
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Uddannelsens hjemmeside
Fra 11.990 DKK ekskl. moms / Person

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1 tilgængelig startdato

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  • Online
  • Online


Basic IFRS e-learning

PwC’s IFRS e-learning course is for you, if you want to gain or refresh your knowledge of international accounting standards in a flexible way. You decide when and where, and you may pause a session when it suits you and continue when you have time again – the system remembers your progress.

Each e-learning module concludes with a test that you must pass to complete the course. When you have passed the course, you will receive a diploma. All modules are in English.

The IFRS e-learning course forms part of the mandatory supplementary training for Danish state authorised public accountants

As a state authorised public accountant, you will earn 11,7 hours mandatory supplementary training when you complete the IFRS e-learning course. Each module earns you 45 minutes of supplementary training in relevant legislation and professional standards. The number of minutes earned is determined based on the time it takes to complete the e-learning module in question.


Our IFRS e-learning course is aimed at chief accountants/CFOs, accounting/finance assistants or controllers and others working with financial reporting under IFRS, who want to keep up to date on new guidelines in this area and are familiar with basic accounting and reporting processes.

You may benefit from taking the IFRS e-learning course as a supplement to our other IFRS courses and network.


The e-learning modules can be purchased either separately for DKK 1,990 per module or as a total package for DKK 11,990.

PwC Academy
Strandvejen 44
2900 Hellerup

PwC’s Academy er en markedsledende kompetenceudviklingsplatform med en bred vifte af kurser inden for blandt andet regnskab, økonomistyring, bogholderi, excel m.fl.  Det er PwC’s egne eksperter, der tilrettelægger og varetager undervisningen, og 99% af vores kursister siger i vores tilfredshedsevalueringer,...

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