Hot Work (Varmt Arbejde på engelsk)

Lekon, Online
1,5-2,5 hours
995 DKK ekskl. moms
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1,5-2,5 hours
995 DKK ekskl. moms
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  • Online
  • Online
  • Engelsk


Hot Work (Varmt Arbejde på engelsk)

With a hot work course, you will be taught to perform the work safely.

Take our interactive e-learning course whenever and wherever suits you best, and get proof that you’ve been instructed in hot work.

The course is for you if you...

  • Use tools and equipment in your job that can or will emit heat, flames, or sparks
  • Want instruction in hot work to avoid accidents while performing the work
  • Want to gain basic knowledge in areas like fire theory, fire fighting, and the use of heat-producing tools
  • Want to meet the demands of clients and insurance companies for instruction in this field
  • Want to ensure an optimal work environment, focusing on the performer’s safety, and thereby avoid fines from the Labor Inspection Authority

What is hot work?

Any work that can or will produce flames, sparks, or heat is categorized as hot work.
The course provides the student with basic fire theoretical knowledge as well as understanding what hot work is and how to perform it safely.

Most insurance companies will require employers to prove that employees performing hot work have been instructed in this type of work.
With this course, each employee obtains documentation in the form of a course certificate.

What you'll gain from the course:

Participants will be taught to:

  • Define when it’s considered hot work
  • Assess the risks involved in the work
  • Take the proper precautions before starting the work
  • Set up the workspace appropriately and safely before beginning
  • Use various kinds of heat-emitting or producing tools and materials
  • Conclude hot work correctly, minimizing the risk of fire after completion
  • Act appropriately in case of fire
  • Conduct basic fire fighting
  • Provide basic first aid in case of fire accidents


    The course is intended for electricians, tin smiths, roofers, mechanics, sheet metal workers, and others who use tools, equipment, or methods in their daily work that emit heat or pose a fire risk.

    Note that the course is purely instructional and should be supplemented with practical exercises.

    Eksamen og diplom

    No DBI certificate (the small plastic card) is issued, but a course certificate provided by Lekon Consultancy as proof of your competencies.

    Once you’ve completed the course, you’ll receive a course certificate with the date of completion via email. This certificate can be printed and kept as proof that you’ve been instructed in the risks and precautions of hot work.

    The course certificate is valid for five years from the issue date.


    Price: 995,- excl. VAT

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