QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Quality in English (CQI and IRCA Certified)

Bureau Veritas, i Vejle (+1 lokationer)
5 dage
25.500 DKK ekskl. moms
Næste startdato
18 november, 2024 Se detaljer
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5 dage
25.500 DKK ekskl. moms
Næste startdato
18 november, 2024 Se detaljer
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QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Quality in English (CQI and IRCA Certified)


QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Quality in English (CQI and IRCA Certified)


By successful completion of the CQI and IRCA Certified QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Quality Course you are able to plan, execute and report on 1., 2. and 3. part audits of Quality Management Systems in accordance to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
You are required to take a two-hour examination for this course and will also be assessed on the basis of your progress throughout the course. When you successfully complete both the examination and the continuous assessment, you will be awarded a certificate of Successful Completion. 


  • Advantages of implementing ISO 9001 
  • Overview of preventive measures, to meet non-conformaties 
  • Clarification of questions regarding audits, objectives, planning, executing and reporting 
  • Auditor (responsibility, personality and selection) 
  • Accreditation and certification (lectures on quality management systems, certification and accreditations) 
  • Lead Auditor course is adapted to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 as well as the common requirements for the management system standard form and content of Annex L 
  • Written exam 


1 tilgængelig startdato

18 november, 2024

  • Holdundervisning
  • Lyngby
  • Engelsk

Target group

The CQI and IRCA Certified QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Quality Course provides a considerably improvement of competences for all staff members working with quality management. 

Prior knowledge to ISO 9001:2015, and experience with writing reports are crucial qualifications to ensure the best outcome of the course. Therefor it is recommended that you participate in our ISO 9001 Inspiration Seminar prior to the CQI and IRCA Certified QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Quality Course. 


The price for this course is 25500 DKK. 

All mentioned prices are ex VAT.


The course is CQI and IRCA Certified. PR328/Course ID: 17929. Read more about theCQI and IRCA Certified courses.

When you enroll for this course, you accept that your information will be disclosed to CQI and IRCA. The information will only be used in connection with the course and not in any other context.

In preparation for the course, material about auditing and quality management will be forwarded, and this must be reviewed and understood before the course. In addition, the participant must answer a quiz before the course. You must except approx. 1-2 days for preparation.

The CQI and IRCA Certified QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Quality Course is an intensive 5 day course, and you must expect that we continue the class after dinner. Self-study and group work should also be expected after classes are over.

It is therefore recommended that you stay near the course venue. Price for accommodation and evening meals during the course is DKK 3,800 per person excl. VAT. This can be purchased in connection with registration and is not part of the course price.

The course is conducted in English. We also offer theQMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Quality in Danish.    

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