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AMU - Arbejdsmarkedsuddannelser

GMP 2 - GMP in practice

U/NORD, i Hillerød
3 dage
624 DKK ekskl. moms
Næste startdato
1 april, 2025 Se detaljer
Uddannelsens hjemmeside
3 dage
624 DKK ekskl. moms
Næste startdato
1 april, 2025 Se detaljer
Uddannelsens hjemmeside
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1 tilgængelig startdato

1 april, 2025

  • Holdundervisning
  • Hillerød


GMP 2 - GMP in practice

You will learn how to participate in self-inspections/internal audits and use them as tools to improve the quality of pharmaceutical manufacturing. Additionally, you will gain insights into managing, recording, and preventing deviations.

You will understand the factors that influence the quality of pharmaceuticals and improve workplace communication.

Through practical exercises, you will gain hands-on experience in self-inspection and pharmaceutical production. You will learn to identify the causes of deviations and prevent them from recurring.

Course Content

  • Application of self-inspections/internal audits
  • Your role in preventing deviations
  • Focus on quality
  • Practical exercises throughout the course


    This course is primarily aimed at employees in the pharmaceutical industry or those aspiring to work in the field.

    You must have completed GMP 1 - Pharmaceutical Production to participate in this course.

    Eksamen og diplom

    You will earn an AMU competency certificate upon passing the final test conducted on the last day of the course.


    Inden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 624,00

    Uden for AMUs målgruppe: DKK 2.980,90

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