Hvorfor vælge SIMAC?
900 studerende
100 undervisere
Åbent og imødekommende studiemiljø
VTS Basic Operators Course
On successful completion of the course and assessments, the candidate has been provided with sufficient training and will be able to proceed to the next stage of “on the job training” at a VTS Center.
The course will be a mix of theory and exercises. The course is based on IALA Model Course V103-1.
SIMAC Training has been approved by the Danish National VTS authority (The Danish Naval Command) and by The Swedish National Competent VTS Authority (Sjöfartsverket) to conduct VTS Basic Operators Course (V103/1). For full version of the approval please click here.
The candidate must hold a masters certificate.
The candidate must send a copy of achieved certificate, a copy of a valid certificate of competency and valid ROC (or GOC) certificate.
21.725 kr. excl. VAT.
Få information
SIMAC Training er en af Danmarks førende kursusudbydere indenfor den maritime sektor. Den nyeste viden om krav og udviklingstendenser inden for branchen er en naturlig del af vores kursusudvikling. Start din uddannelsesrejse med fokus på ny viden, nye bæredygtige løsninger...