Hvorfor vælge AI Revolution?
Vi har hjulpet virksomhder og organisationer som:
Midjourney Workshop (English)
Learn to create AI images with Midjourney.
Introduction to Generative AI
Learn about the foundations of these new tools and gain insight into their strengths and limitations.
Hands-on Training
Gain practical experience using AI tools to bring your ideas to life.
Tailored to Your Needs
Focus on applying AI within your field, including the development of campaigns, concepts, and products.
Case Studies and Examples
Learn from real projects and discover how generative AI can enhance your creative processes.
Meet like-minded participants and share experiences and ideas on how AI can be utilized in your work.
Consultation on implementing the new tools in relation to your business/industry.
Architects, designers, marketeers, graphic designers and photographers.
3.200 dkk ex. VAT
Få information
Vi er specialiseret i AI billedgenerering og hjælper virksomheder med at integrere AI i de kreative processer. Tid er den mest værdifulde ressource, og forkortelsen af, hvad der tidligere har været langtrukne iterative processer, som generativ kunstig intelligens løser, er...