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Finalists of the 2022 Sustainability Scholarship

We at finduddannelse.dk are pleased to announce and recognize the finalists for our Sustainability Scholarship year 2022. Among thousands of applicants, these four candidates shined particularly bright and are outstanding examples of what could be the next generation’s sustainability-minded leaders. Read their inspiring stories and find out how they plan on combating climate change.

Finalists of the 2022 Sustainability Scholarship

We at finduddannelse.dk are pleased to announce and recognize the finalists for our Sustainability Scholarship year 2022. Among thousands of applicants, these candidates shined particularly bright and are outstanding examples of what could be the next generation’s sustainability-minded leaders, on the very forefront of combating climate change.

To find our winner and our top candidates, we asked all candidates 3 questions: 

  1. What motivated you to choose this particular study program? 
  2. How is your program going to help you fight/alleviate the impact of climate change? 
  3. Overall, how do you think education and the fight against climate change are connected?

Read the answers from four of our candidate's - They are listed alphabetically below.

daniel rohrer

Daniel Rohrer Hansen, Denmark

Studying a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering & Management at DTU in Denmark.


Daniel’s true passion lies in the connection between the science of engineering and the practical application of effective strategies. Daniel is very interested in how the corporate world can be made more sustainable and environmentally-oriented in its structure. Daniel’s everyday life is highly affected by his environmental ambitions. Thus, his way of integrating his already obtained knowledge within the area, has made him consciously aware of the necessary changes that need to be made.

Read about Daniel, how he will take on the fight against climate change and his motivation to study the program below.

Daniel’s motivation to study the program:

For Daniel, it is essential to study a program that will enable him to pursue his environmental ambitions careerwise in the future. Through sustainable engineering, he wants to contribute to being able to achieve Denmark's climate goals, which is part of the UN's 17 global goals for sustainability. It is via the master’s program, Msc Engineering Environmental Engineering at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) that Daniel will be able to develop the needed competencies to continue his work on developing environmentally-oriented technical  solutions for companies with the motivation of creating a more sustainable corporate world.

How Daniel plans to fight the impact of climate change:

Daniel is many things and one of them is being extremely proactive. He has already started his work on creating a more sustainable way of life, specifically within the corporate world by focusing on his startup along with a peer student. His digital solution, GreenBooks is a platform using machine learning and automation to help companies order and recycle
study books they buy every year for their employees. Thus, his current work in his startup is the starting point for the type of work he has ambitions about doing in the future. Thus, by incorporating techniques within sustainable science engineering, Daniel wants to fight the impact of climate change by implementing innovative solutions.

How Daniel thinks education and the fight against climate change is connected:

For Daniel, the right education equals the possibility of achieving the relevant abilities that match his ambitions and goals. Among other things, the master’s program at RMIT provides the following: “allow you to step up as a project leader, consultant or manager with the knowledge to lead the introduction of new technologies and operating practices in environmental engineering.” This exact focus of the education is what Daniel believes is evident to gain knowledge about in order to truly understand the climate changes and how to best combat them.

felix anonym

Felix Hinderthür, Germany

Studied a bachelor's degree in Business Management and plans to study a Master in Sustainability Management at Columbia University in USA.


Felix has become a candidate for this year's scholarship because of his sustainable dedication and his passion for entrusting the future generation with a better and maintained planet. Felix firmly believes that there is a connection between climate change and education. Therefore, Felix is determined to ensure better education for children in sustainability in their early academic careers. He believes that this should be implemented through leaders and companies within the community which shall allow easy and enjoyable participation. 

Read about Felix, how he plans on combating climate change and his motivation to study the program below.

Felix’ motivation to study the program:

The balance between the economy and the environment will become essential for future innovative leaders. This exact statement is the foundation of Felix’ motivation to combine sustainability and equality into economic success. 

Through the master’s program in Sustainability Management at Columbia University, Felix aims to combine management and sustainability and thus, creating a new level of personal growth, knowledge and opportunity to make an impact and shape future sustainability leaders. 

In the end, Felix believes that there might be a new industrial revolution towards sustainability, and that this master's program will teach him the necessary skills to make a change for the climate.

How Felix plans to fight the impact of climate change:

Through a higher education, Felix wants to position himself as a pioneer in shaping future innovative leaders, who through sustainability and equality can obtain successful economics. 

Felix views the master in Sustainability Management as a gateway for him to become a sustainability manager who will be able to convince non sustainable companies to be a part of a movement that condemns climate change. Furthermore, Felix is confident that this is a highly realistic approach to fighting climate change because one cannot fight it alone, but it is obtainable through a collective approach.

How Felix thinks education and the fight against climate change is connected:

In order to live a more sustainable life one needs to understand the reasons behind it. The most effective way to do so is to educate people on how to live sustainably. The most valuable idea would be to teach people early on about the importance of climate change. Therefore, a child-friendly workshop for every school in the community would encourage people to act more sustainably in the future. 

Additionally, Felix believes that there should also be a voluntary program for adults to show them the possibilities of small changes in their everyday life and their impact to encourage them today.

millicent hookey

Millicent Hookey, Australia

Studied a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Science and plans to study a Master in Organic Agriculture at the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands.


Millicent is devoted to helping environmental issues, specifically ones regarding the agriculture industry, through a Master in Organic Agriculture at Wageningen University and Research in Australia. Millicent’s dream is to turn her family's farm into a zero emission beef farm that stores and sequesters carbon.

Read about Millicent, how she plans on combating climate change and her motivation to study the program below.

Millicent's motivation to study the program:

Millicent has chosen to pursue a career in organic agriculture because of the severe negative impact agriculture currently has on the planet. 

Sadly, one of the largest greenhouse emitters is the agriculture industry. As someone who cares deeply about our environment, but who also comes from a long, proud lineage of cattle farmers in Australia, this has presented a deep, moral dilemma for me. It was only after beginning my studies in agricultural science at the University of Melbourne that I began to understand the importance and influence of adapting to sustainable farming practices with current research and development, and how this can greatly reduce the impact the industry currently has on the planet.

Millicent strongly believes that Wageningen’s Organic Agriculture program will be able to provide her with the necessary skills and knowledge to influence the agriculture industry to become more sustainable and organic.

How Millicent plans to fight the impact of climate change:

As mentioned, Millicent first of all dreams of turning her family’s farm into a zero emission beef farm that stores and sequesters carbon. Additionally Millicent also wants to pursue a career in consultancy where she plans to advise farmers on practices that reduce their inputs, increase their efficiency and decrease their emissions while also improving their soil health and quality. 

Moreover Millicent aims to use her opportunity and knowledge to take school groups on excursions around farms as a form of agritourism and teach them how to create organic agriculture and regenerative farming.

How Millicent thinks education and the fight against climate change is connected:

Millicent believes that utilising her knowledge and tools from her education will help improve agricultural practices throughout Australia. In other words, Millicents wants to pass on her knowledge to the wider community and emphasise the importance of this work. 

By educating and helping farmers find ways to replenish the land they work on in an environmentally friendly way, they will be able to obtain viable land and contribute to a healthy climate change for future generations.

norma anonym

Norma Alejandra, Mexico

Studied a Bachelor's Degree Sustainable Development Engineering in Barcelona, Spain


"Alejandra, the little big revolution." That is how both Alejandra describes herself and how she is described by the people around her. Not only is Alejandra extremely passionate about the environment and the necessary changes that need to be made here, adapting to the effects of climate change is a big part of how she lives her life. Thus, her motivation stems from her daily life as well as her ambitions for the future. Norma thrives in an atmosphere where she is enabled to focus on developing the best possible solutions for a better future. 

Read about Norma, how she wants to take on the challenges that follow when working on bettering the environment and her motivation to study the program below.

Norma's motivation to study the program:

For Norma, education is the most effective way to combat the current climate changes as she strongly believes that people’s perceptions and habits can be influenced  by education. Moreover, her future career ambitions and goals match the objective of the master’s program, Intervention  and  Environmental  Management:  Person and  Society greatly as the focus is on enabling future graduates to work with complex management projects  in  the  domain  of  the  environment. With her revolutionary spirit, Norma believes this program will be a great start on working with the environment and climate changes.

How Norma plans to fight the impact of climate change:

By generating environmental projects, Norma plans to fight the impacts of climate change in an innovative and proactive way. More specifically, Norma sees herself working at a place like Mexico City ́s environmental secretaria in the future, hence she will use her gained knowledge about environmental management and actively implement strategies of sustainability in her work.

How Norma thinks education and the fight against climate change is connected:

Ultimately, any type of environmental work and focus on climate change, is best achieved by understanding the challenges faced. Thus, it is evident for Norma to be able to use her knowledge, which she can gain from the master’s program, in order to work effectively with the fight against climate change.

In her own words: “The school would be a place for innovative thinking, as well as a source of inspiration, cultivating a sense of awareness and responsibility for a sustainable environment.”

Emilia Pedersen

Emilia Pedersen

Digital Content Editor (Vis mere)
Emilia arbejder som Digital Content Editor for finduddannelse.dk, og skriver om kompetenceudvikling og videreuddannelse. Hun har en kandidatgrad i Visuel Kultur fra Københavns Universitet. (Mindre)


Emilia arbejder som Digital Content Editor for finduddannelse.dk, og skriver om kompetenceudvikling og videreuddannelse. Hun har en kandidatgrad i Visuel Kultur fra Københavns Universitet.
Frederikke Erlund Buur

Frederikke Erlund Buur

Digital kommunikationassistent (Vis mere)
Frederikke arbejder som digital kommunikationsassistent hos Finduddannelse.dk, hvor hun til dagligt skriver content til formål med at hjælpe uddannelsessøgende finde den rette efteruddannelse. Sideløbende læser Frederikke en professionsbachelor i International handel og markedsføring på Cphbusiness. (Mindre)


Frederikke arbejder som digital kommunikationsassistent hos Finduddannelse.dk, hvor hun til dagligt skriver content til formål med at hjælpe uddannelsessøgende finde den rette efteruddannelse. Sideløbende læser Frederikke en professionsbachelor i International handel og markedsføring på Cphbusiness.
Jana Khoraizat

Jana Khoraizat

Kommunikationsassistent (Vis mere)
Som Kommunikationsassistent sidder Jana bl.a. med content creation på sitet, Finduddannelse.dk. Her skaber hun content omkring alle former for uddannelser og kurser indenfor brancher som f.eks. ernæring og sundhed og business. Son kandidatstuderende i International Business Communication, besidder Jana bl.a. viden om hvordan kommunikationen tilpasses således at målgruppen rammes bedst muligt. (Mindre)


Som Kommunikationsassistent sidder Jana bl.a. med content creation på sitet, Finduddannelse.dk. Her skaber hun content omkring alle former for uddannelser og kurser indenfor brancher som f.eks. ernæring og sundhed og business. Son kandidatstuderende i International Business Communication, besidder Jana bl.a. viden om hvordan kommunikationen tilpasses således at målgruppen rammes bedst muligt.
Michelle Hjorth

Michelle Hjorth

Digital Content Specialist (Vis mere)
Michelle arbejder som Digital Content Specialist hos finduddannelse.dk, hvor hun blandt andet har fokus på at skrive artikler og guides, der forhåbentlig kan hjælpe dig med dit valg af efteruddannelse, blive klogere på dine muligheder og komme i mål med dine drømme. Michelle er uddannet med en Professionsbachelor i international handel og markedsføring fra Cphbusiness. (Mindre)


Michelle arbejder som Digital Content Specialist hos finduddannelse.dk, hvor hun blandt andet har fokus på at skrive artikler og guides, der forhåbentlig kan hjælpe dig med dit valg af efteruddannelse, blive klogere på dine muligheder og komme i mål med dine drømme. Michelle er uddannet med en Professionsbachelor i international handel og markedsføring fra Cphbusiness.


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